The library


This exceptional 74-page publication provides an insight into the life and work of the greatest inventor of all time, Nikola Tesla, and brings his work closer to a wider audience.

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Positioning strategy as the key to success

Positioning is not what you have done for your product, but what you have done to the consumer's awareness of the perception of your product.

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Publications for download

Through active work in the field of civil society, publications on the topics of Energy Efficiency, Nikola Tesla and Interreligious Dialogue were created.

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New Algorithm of Serbia

Business novel – authors:
Branko Dimitrijević and
Mirjana Prljević

029 027 031 047 050 2005-10-29-16.59.39 DSC00208 DSC00267 DSC01605 DSC02125-scaled DSC02140-scaled DSC02144-scaled DSC02190-scaled DSC02198-scaled DSC02200-scaled DSC02236-scaled DSC02585 DSC02586-scaled DSC02587-scaled DSC02589-scaled DSC02825-scaled Intervju-za-Shanghai-Airlines-2010 Intervju-za-The-Far-East-Economic-Pictorial-2-scaled Intervju-za-The-Far-East-Economic-Pictorial-scaled OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Paris-promocija-knjige-MP-2009 Promocija-Knjige-Pariss-3-scaled Promocija-Knjige-Pariss-5 Promocija-knjige-Pariss Promocija-moje-knjige-Pariss Promocija-Paris-Rezidencija Sajam-BRENDFAIR-2008-_Nagrada-za-knjigu-godine Shanghai3-scaled Shanghai4-scaled Shanghai7-scaled Shanghai9-scaled Shaolin-April-2010_primopredaja-knjiga Shaolin-u-drustvu-sa-ocem-i-sinom-porodice-Liu Shaolin_Father-Liu Shaolin_U-drustvu-sa-_Yen-Yu-scaled Tesla-Kina Tjanjin-_Mirjana-pored-plakata-koji-najavljuje-promociju-njene-knjige-scaled Tjanjin_u-drustvu-izdavaca Udruzenje-zena-Sremska-Mitrovica_PK-Novi-Sad-scaled



The Fifth number of the TESLIANUM Almanac represents the rounding of our journey in the discovery of the image, work, and heritage of Nikola Tesla; and this time in a unique way and through the element of the highest cognizance, the comprehension of ourselves, the comprehension of Nature and the discovery of Space. The fifth number is dedicated to the fifth element – the Ether, Akasha, the Zero Point Field, Quintessence, and all those knowledge that in a miraculous way in these challenging times have been rediscovered on this significant element. On questions about how we wish to live and act – as a Reactor Man, as Transformator Man, or as a generator Man, we are offering our insights for your knowledge and thinking. Nikola Tesla was a model Generator Man, a genius creator, and a visionary creator. The way Nikola tesla observed and worked with ether, what has been written about it, and how can we apprehend this deeper and with even more quality, in relation to the times we are living in today? The fifth element of our Almanac shows all the Power of the present moment, regardless of when this present moment is happening.

Mirjana Prljevic
Author of TESLIANUM Almanac

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